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Past speakers​

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Mitchell Hashimoto

Founder of HashiCorp

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Kelsey Hightower

Developer Advocate at Google Cloud Platform

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Jessica Frazelle

Core team at Docker

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Solomon Hykes

Creator of Docker

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Rob Pike

Co-creator of Go

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Theo de Raadt

Founder of OpenBSD  and OpenSSH

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Salvatore Sanfilippo

Creator of Redis

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Jaana Dogan

Software Engineer at Google

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Jeremy Ashkenas

Creator of Backbone.js, Underscore.js & CoffeeScript

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John Graham-Cumming

Programmer at CloudFlare
Author of The Geek Atlas

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Fabien Potencier

Co-founder SensioLabs
Creator of Symfony

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Tim Caswell

Creator of LuvitJS-Git and NVM

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Yehuda Katz

Creator of Ember.jsHandlebars 

Thor, Member of the jQuery Core Team.

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Michele Titolo

Lead Software Engineer at Capital One

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Neha Narkhede

Co-creator of Apache Kafka
Co-founder and CTO of Confluent

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Blake Mizerany

Creator of Sinatra, co-creator of Doozer

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Paul Mockapetris

Inventor of the DNS

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Anne Canteaut

Researcher at Inria & Scientific leader of the team SECRET

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Marcy Sutton Todd

Award-winning senior front-end dev and accessibility advocate

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Ted Dunning

Committer on Apache MahoutDrill & Zookeeper

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Lauren Tan

Engineering Manager at Netflix and active contributor to open source

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Ellen Korbes

Ellen does DevRel, and loves Go and public speaking.

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Matt Aimonetti

Co-founder and CTO of Splice

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Dave Cheney

Blogger & open source author, Contributor to the Go project

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Bridget Kromhout

Principal Cloud Developer Advocate at Microsoft Co-host of the Arrested DevOps podcast

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Juan Benet

Creator of IPFS

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Addy Osmani

Creator of TodoMVC, Yeoman, Web Starter Kit & others

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Paul Dix

Creator of InfluxDB

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Matt Holt

Author of Caddy

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Sara Vieira

Developer at CodeSandbox. GraphQL and Open Source enthusiast.

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Nicolas Gallagher

Creator of Normalize.css 


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Ron Evans

Open source software developer

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Virginie Mathivet

Author of 3 books on AI
R&D Officer at TeamWork

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Front-End Lead at Contiamo

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Software Engineer at LinkedIn
Co-creator of Ember.js

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Evan You

Creator and lead maintainer of Vue.js


All videos of dotConferences keynotes

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